Transformational Coaching to help you heal and move on from heartbreak and loss.
Rebuilding and navigating life in the aftermath of heartbreak, divorce and grief can feel isolating and lonely.
What if you didn’t have to do this alone?
Rebuild - Post Break Up Intensive
Photo: @manuelmeurisse
REBUILD is an eight week intensive coaching experience that focuses on healing in the aftermath of a painful relationship, heartbreak, or divorce.
A breakup, difficult divorce or ongoing heartache with an unavailable partner can shatter your self-esteem and leave you feeling lost and deeply disconnected to yourself.
I’ve been there and can help you learn the tools and skills that have helped me so that you can reconnect to your strengths, power, and confidence through awareness-building and dedicated self-care.
Free yourself from the pain of lingering lack of closure, the heartache of sudden separation or the old internal stories that keep attracting you to unfulfilling relationships patterns and unavailable partners.
Healing from Limerence - 10 Week Program
Photo: @petergeokent
Healing from Limerence is a 10 week program to help you move on from Limerence.
Marked by the highest of highest and lowest of lows, more intense than a “crush” or infatuation, Limerence is an all consuming mental, physical and spiritual state of being in love. Limerence has often been described as being under a “spell” that can last from months to years that can be as painful as it is elating.
The suffering caused by distressing limerence is often hidden due to the intensity of the feelings and involuntary mental and physical reactions that accompany limerence. Especially in cases of Limerence with someone you feel you shouldn’t fall in love with. This often leads people to not seek out help for fear of being misunderstood.
The lingering questions are often: “What is happening to me?” “Why is this happening now?” Why this person?” Will this ever end?”
Limerence can be an awakening to love and life and catalyst for change. If you are suffering from a painful limerence experience, you don’t need to struggle through it alone. Help is available!
“Stephanie helped me through a huge transition as I went from one relationship into another.”
Before I started working with Stephanie, I was fraught with such conflicting feelings about everything in my life. In the aftermath of a difficult divorce, she helped me focus on my path. She reminded me of my strengths and helped guide me to find new solutions when I felt stuck. I am so grateful to her for her energy and her intuition. Stephanie is excellent at helping me find new ways to look at things. When I feel stuck on an idea or am weighing myself down with self-doubt, she is great at reminding me of my strengths and guiding me through, or out, of the negative thoughts. Stephanie has an uncanny ability to pick up on my energy so quickly. She hears subtle changes in my voice and my breath and asks me all of the hard questions I want to be asked. After each session with her I feel rejuvenated and motivated, ready to tackle or fly with my day.
— Heather, Seattle - WA